Justins World

The ferry to San Carlos

9 bloody hours on a ferry at night……
Well it started with waiting to buy a ticket. Having secured my 1st class ticket for about $4 I waited for the ferry. It arrived and there were a few other foreigners who got a 1st class ticket. Only problem was the ferry left from Granada and all the locals had literally taken ownership of seats so they could sleep. I squeezed onto the end of a seat and watched the end of a really bad zombie movie.
I thought screw this and went out onto the back deck. Plenty of people had hung hammocks on deck. I had no hammock but made a bed on deck. Yeah it was hard, but spacious. I slept for about 3 hours until the first port of Morrito.
I chatted to some Nicaraguans learning english and we tried to help each others language learning. The boat has started again and I went back to sleep only for the rain to come.
It didn’t stop raining and I spent most of the night either crammed inside, or standing on deck in my rain jacket getting the fresh air into the lungs and cooling down a bit. It was way too cold for the Nicaraguans.
We arrived in San Carlos at 4:45am and i literally fell asleep in some gutter out of the rain. I managed to get some breakfast, gallo pinto(beans and rice) and eggs with a coffee.
I had to wait til 8am for the first boat to El Castillo.


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